Monday, March 31, 2014

Today's meeting with the primary oncologist resulted in some rebalancing of Lisa's medicines.  He lowered her steroid dose to see if it is contributing to her swelling; he increased her morphine pain patch dose to raise her ongoing pain treatment baseline so that she hopefully won't need to take pain pills as often; he eliminated the diuretic and its associated requirement for potassium booster to see if her swelling stays stable without it; and her beta blocker has been cut in half to slightly raise her blood pressure to see if it helps her energy level.

Lisa is showing more weakness, and had more trouble today getting in and out of the wheelchair, moving from one chair to another, or even pushing herself back in a recliner.  Tomorrow morning we will meet with the radiation oncologist to get the results of his study and find out if he is able to provide some radiation treatment to the tumors around Lisa's heart that are the primary cause of the swelling of her right arm and both legs.