Thursday, March 27, 2014

We have continued to go to the cancer center each day for Lisa's infusion treatments of pain meds and steroids to supplement what she takes around the clock in pill or patch form, and she's doing pretty well with those.  Although we've talked with Hospice by phone regarding home-based comfort care, we are finally meeting with them this morning so that we better understand what they have to offer and how it works.  This is just one of 16 different Hospice organizations licensed to provide service in our area, so if we don't feel comfortable with this one, we will meet with others.

Yesterday, Lisa also had a CT scan by the radiation oncologist's office, designed to help them decide if, where, and how much radiation they can give to the tumor that's compressing the superior vena cava that's causing Lisa's right arm swelling.  Her hand is so swollen that she can not even hold a pencil.