Thursday, April 11, 2013

It wasn't an easy decision, but after talking extensively with the oncologist yesterday, we decided that Lisa will try the Tarceva.  Initially it will be at a 2/3 normal dose (still one pill a day) to see if she handles it well with minimal side effects.  The side effects are fairly common and sometimes debilitating, and if certain ones show up, she's to stop taking it.  We'll meet with the doctor in two weeks for an assessment.  If all goes well, she'll likely bump up to a full dose for another two weeks, and then we'll have a CT scan done for a 'quick check' to see if the cancer is growing, stable, or shrinking, though the "real" check will be a month later, when we'll do another PET scan.

It's been a real challenge to get the medication, because it's very expensive and there were multiple insurance hoops to go through... but Lisa has been "working the phones" (she's really good at it) and the medicine should arrive at our door tomorrow morning.