We met with the oncologist today to discuss options. Lisa is going to have two cycles of the Gemzar/Navelbine combination that worked very well for awhile, and that Lisa has most recently been treated with at a reduced dose in both amount and schedule. This time, however, she'll be going up to a full dose and standard schedule for these two cycles (one standard cycle is two weeks of treatment, and one week off) before re-evaluation. The oncologist really thinks that this won't be very effective, but he's willing to try it before moving to the more "harsh" combination of Cisplatin and VP-16, and says this six to eight weeks meanwhile should not have a problematic impact if we do indeed find that the Gemzar/Navelbine no longer has a positive effect. In that case, if the Cisplatin/VP-16 combination is going to work, it will still work just as well at that time even if the cancer shows continued moderate growth during this short-term Gemzar/Navelbine treatment..