Saturday, April 5, 2014

We increased the dose on the Fentanyl/Morphine patches, and Lisa's pain stays under pretty good control most of the time and she's able to go for longer periods between needing to take morphine orally.  However, other issues remain, and last night Lisa had a bad coughing spell around 3am and it took until 5am to get things back under control where she could lay back in bed.

As Lisa's weakness continues, she's often needing help to get up from a recliner or other seated positions -- but she wraps her arms around my neck and I'm able to help her up to her feet, and once she's up, she can use her walker.  I've installed grab rails in the bathroom, and we'll be looking at other things we can do to help her stay as ambulatory as possible.  Most of the time, however, she needs to be in bed or in a recliner so that she can keep her legs and her right arm elevated to keep the swelling under control.  If the radiation treatment works as hoped, the tumors specifically constricting the blood return vessels around her heart should start dying off in 2 to 3 weeks, and if so, Lisa's swelling and associated mobility should noticeably improve.