Monday, April 7, 2014

We're starting to see some improvement in the swelling of Lisa's right arm over the weekend.  This is encouraging -- it is hopefully an indication that the radiation is already causing the targeted tumor to shrink, and that's after only 3 of 10 treatments.  Today was #4, so we're hopeful this trend will continue.  Meanwhile, though, Lisa seems to get slightly weaker each day and her coughing spells are getting worse, but she's holding up reasonably well through it all.

Lisa had a blood panel done today, and most of the results, though out of 'normal' range, are 'reasonable' for her condition, with one exception:  her platelet count was very low, though not dangerous.  She's being taken off the daily blood thinner injections (the probable cause), and being put on a different tablet blood thinner that doesn't whack platelet count.  She'll have her blood checked again on Thursday, and if platelet count hasn't started to rebound, she will get a blood infusion on Friday.